Current clients: We will go through your full workout, as well as review your plan and progress.
1st timers: We will talk about what you want for results, review any current workouts, then identify the best plan for success!
Do these before your session starts please.
Find the log-in location link in the appointment invitations and test it out a few minutes before we start.
Gather any weights and other equipment near any fixed points we will need (stairs, non-moveable objects, or anchor points). Check out DIY Weights for At-Home Workouts post for how to pick or make useful resistance objects
For any resistance band work, find ways to anchor your bands in necesary high, mid-line, and low positions as applicable. You can loop them on a sturday wooden utensil and shut it on the opposite side of a door, for example, with the band coming through the crack.
Position your phone on the floor vertically, front-facing camera toward you, tipped back so you can see all or most of you from feet to overhead when you have the camera open.